Cardiodance lessons

"We will dance and work out together"

What's this?

Cardiodance is in the air !

It's dynamic... exciting... joyful... effective...

Cardiodance fitness helps you to keep you fit and to maintain your vitality and this is in very amusing way!

A Cardiodance session will give you lots of energy and a feeling of well-being. It's like being on holiday, somewhere far away in a hot country...

In a few words, Cardiodance is a combination of dancing and exercising, created to transform "working out" into a joyful experience.

A way to exercise without that it looks like....

Who is it?


my name is Marianne Leber.

One day, I discovered " Zumba" and fell in love with this original concept. What a pleasure to work out like this!

Well, I completed the training for "Zumba instructor" in 2010. Since then, I gave weekly Zumba classes at different locations at Rive gauche ( left side of the lake).

During the past years my choreographies became more personalized and I decided to rename my classes: Cardiodance

By profession I am potter. I am giving pottery since more than 17 years in Collonge-Bellerive. My webside url is

I would be happy to meet you! Let's get to work out together.

: 079/359.12.48

Regards Marianne

Cardiodance Adults

Cardiodance is working out while dancing.

You will learn the basic steps of Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Samba ... on current Latin, rock or swing music.

The best way to know if you are made for Cardiodance is to try it out.

Links to:

Démonstration de Zumba à Choulex

extrait d'un article parue dans le journal "Tribune Rives-Lac" du lundi 12 mars 2012

“Excellent pour la santé, le conditionnement physique apparaît souvent comme un peu rebutant, voire même barbant. La démonstration de Zumba, proposée à la salle polyvalente de Choulex par Marianne Leber et une quarantaine de ses élèves, prouve tout le contraire.

Coquettement vêtues de petites robes et coiffées de chapeaux melon ou de casquettes un peu "canailles", les souriantes jeunes femmes ont montré qu'on peut faire du sport, non seulement sans en avoir l'air, mais en se faisant plaisir. Plusieurs chorégraphies pleines d'énergie, inspirées de pas de danse latino et effectuées sur des musiques rythmées et entraînantes, telles la samba, le merengue ou le cha-cha-cha, ont mis les fourmis dans les jambes du public venu en nombre, les bouts de chou n'étant pas en reste. Certes, ces chorégraphies ne s'acquièrent pas d'emblée, les cours de Marianne sont souvent ponctués de grands éclats de rire généraux quand des élèves se trompent et se retrouvent à contresens du groupe, mais personne ne juge, chacune progresse à son rythme et le plaisir ne tarde pas. La personnalité de Marianne est aussi pour beaucoup dans la réussite de son enseignement, gaie, chaleureuse et aussi un peu taquine, elle transmet sa belle énergie et à la fin du cours, toutes se retrouvent en nage, mais ravies.


I'm just leaving some videos from our first show

Links to:

Bachelor Party

Spend a moment of laughing and dancing between girls!

Let's put aside working out and let's play rather with our sensuality.


1h00 with room in Gy : 200 frs.

Birthday Celebration

The children will have fun and be able to let off stem.

Play with the music and do some Cardiodance chores, film them and send the video to the parents for memory..

If you don't have space to danse at your's, it is possible to rent a room in GY for CHF 30.-


1h15 of Cardiodance for 200 frs

Some photos of Cardiodance

Pictures + videos

2022-2023 Schedules

Click on blue labels for more details.
9:30am - 10:30am Adults (GY)
5:55pm - 6:55pm Adults (GY)

2022-2023 Fees and forms

Cardiodance ADULTS

Inscriptions classes per semester.

Each Cardiodance class lasts 60 minutes

First semester Second semester Annuel

From Tuesday 13 September to Tuesday 24 January : 300 frs

From Tuesday 31 January to Tuesday 20 June : 300 frs

600 frs

For all classes...

  • There are no classes during the school holidays.
  • it is possible to start in the middle of a semester (pro rata).
  • one possible (payable) try out before inscription.
  • There will be week of reserve per year. This will allow me to cancel a class in the case of an illness, injury or absence.
  • My classes for Cardiodance are not "à la carte." If you miss a class, I give you the opportunity to come for another one, depending on available spaces..


Send me an e-mail or call me for reservation.

: 079/359.12.48

Addresse of Cardiodance classes

Room in GY:

Salle Gyvi
115, route de Gy
1251 GY